
6 things you must assert for a productive casebuilding

Being rude in casebuilding is a skill you have to be comfortable with. Here are 6 ways to do it healthily.


Stop training your responses by debating, do this instead

There’s this norm in debating that the only way to get better at debating is by debating more. In my circuit and debate upbringing, it’s very prominent, and I hate it. Every other sport doesn’t expect you to do that. For example, you practice dribbles, shoots, and even small moves like pivots in basketball. It […]


8 common extensions, so you never fail to find one again

Do you feel like there’s never enough time to find an extension? From an ex- second speaker to a second speaker, this is probably your fix.


Six little known strategies to approach motions

Many of us are taught about principle and practical arguments to strategise during casebuild. There are actually four other things you need to know…


How trend motions can give your speaks an upward trend

We all know everything about what’s trending currently, but do we know how to debate trend motions?


Time management: making every second of your speech count

Find yourself going undertime or overtime, and confused how to fix it? Want to master time allocation in your speech? Here’s how.


Debate like a designer: why you should simplify your speeches

Jen’s 1st speaker speech GDoc is included to demonstrate this personal take: the most dangerous speeches are the ones that are easiest to digest.


From 77 to 82: characterisation and contextualisation

Top teams don’t think of incredibly innovative arguments, they’re probably going to be the same arguments you’d think of six months into debating. The difference is really in how they construct the world behind it.

Economy Matter

Nine facts for your next cryptocurrency and digital trading debate

Debating about cryptocurrencies is not that difficult, but you have to know the facts to not get easily beaten by intuitive arguments.

Matter Religion

Religion is a social construct – here are six ways it changes

Ordinary people like you and I can change religion. This is because religion needs followers to survive, and these are the ways it adjusts to fulfill that need.