Economy Matter

Terraform Labs: The ‘rocket’ that crashed to the ground

How did a cryptocurrency doing magnificently in the markets suddenly crash so hard? And how did it take the rest of the market down along with it?

Economy Politics

How political dynasties and poorly managed debt destroyed Sri Lanka

A state of emergency was declared after President Rajapaksa gled the country, following months of mass protests. What happens when a country runs out of money and a functioning government?

Economy Matter

Nine facts for your next cryptocurrency and digital trading debate

Debating about cryptocurrencies is not that difficult, but you have to know the facts to not get easily beaten by intuitive arguments.

Economy Kushay's Matter Bank

[AK] Manifestation of Behavioural Economics – Reclining Airplane Seats

This note will briefly discuss an interesting example of how psychology influences our economic choice. Source:

Economy Kushay's Matter Bank

[AK] Economic Arguments For and Against Trade War

This note will discuss the economic impacts of the US trade war and provide perspectives saying that it’s a failure and a success.

Economy Kushay's Matter Bank

[AK] Criticisms Against Sharing Economy – Exploitation of Their Workers

This note will discuss how sharing economy, if left unregulated, is horrible in ensuring its worker’s rights. Source:

Economy Kushay's Matter Bank

[AK] Criticisms Against Supply-side Economics

This note will discuss criticisms of the “tricke down economics” concept endorsed by many on the centre or right of the economic spectrum. Source:

Economy Kushay's Matter Bank

[AK] How Data is Giving Rise to a New Economy

This note will discuss the economics of data. Source:

Economy Kushay's Matter Bank

[AK] How Modern Day Slavery Works

This note will discuss how modern day slavery ring operates, its victims, and the steps currently taken to combat it. It will discuss the case study of UK.

Economy Kushay's Matter Bank

[AK] Net Neutrality 101 and Implications of its Repeal

This note will discuss net neutrality, an idea about equal access to Internet content.