Debate 101 Method

Debate 101: Debate Procedure

Debate is a very versatile sport with a variety of formats. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll be focusing on Asian Parliamentary.

Debate is a very versatile sport with a variety of formats. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll be focusing on the Asian Parliamentary style of debating.

A debate consists of two sides consisting of three members each. One is called the Government team (sometimes referred to as the Proposition) and one is called the Opposition team.

The debate is centered around a topic called a motion. The Government team supports the motion, while the Opposition is against it.

Teams usually have 30 minutes to prepare after being told the motion. This is casebuilding time.

  • Team Government consists of: Prime Minister (PM)Deputy Prime Minister (DPM), and Government Whip (GW).
  • Team Opposition consists of a Leader of Opposition (LO)Deputy Leader of Opposition (DLO), and Opposition Whip (OW).

In short, these roles are just referred to as 1st Speaker, 2nd Speaker, and 3rd Speaker. Each speaker has 7 minutes and 20 seconds (at maximum) to present their speech.

After all 6 speakers have presented their substantive speech, Reply Speakers from both sides will conclude the debate. Each Reply Speaker has 4 minutes and 20 seconds to present their speech. Only the first or second speaker of each side are allowed to be Reply Speakers (PM, DPM, LO, or DLO). Notice that the Opposition Reply goes first.

Here’s the flow of the debate:

  1. Prime Minister
  2. Leader of Opposition
  3. Deputy Prime Minister
  4. Deputy Leader of Opposition
  5. Government Whip
  6. Opposition Whip
  7. Opposition Reply
  8. Government Reply

To find out about the building blocks of debate, as well as each speaker’s role, read the rest of our Beginner’s Guide!

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