Economy Kushay's Matter Bank

[AK] Expensive Price Bias

This note will discuss one of the irrational consumer behaviors that sellers often exploit when selling their products; the expensive-price bias.

According to BBC, there are three things that consumers expects when purchasing an expensive product (ex: clothes, jeans, shoes, etc.)

1. Durability

2. How long it isn’t going to be out-of-trend

3. Tertiary elements such as details, image, effort, etc.

This is why oftentimes expensive brands such as Versace, Chanel, Prada, Rolex etc. markets its products with phrases such as “created with passion”, or “originating in the Swiss Alps”, or something along those lines. Sometimes it goes to an extreme extent where people are willing to pay thousands of dollars to buy only a jeans or shoe.

This behavior is of course exploited by sellers since they can market their product as “high class” and “fancy”, and making consumers have a preconceived bias that their product is much better than products with average prices. This has been proven scientifically with an experiment where people are asked to buy two products A and B. A and B has exactly the same quality material, but A is branded as “fancy” and is much more expensive than B. The result is that most of the consumers said that A’s quality is better and is more satisfied in buying it.

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