Economy Matter

Terraform Labs: The ‘rocket’ that crashed to the ground

How did a cryptocurrency doing magnificently in the markets suddenly crash so hard? And how did it take the rest of the market down along with it?


The case for a benevolent dictatorship

The reason why dictatorship is seen in such a bad light in comparison to democracy is that its worst examples are used to define it. With that being said, how do you defend dictatorship?

International Relations Matter

Understanding China’s growing aggression

China has been named “the greatest threat to world order” by many journalists. But why is China do aggressive? What do they have to gain from their actions? Understanding this will need a lot of looking back in history.

Economy Politics

How political dynasties and poorly managed debt destroyed Sri Lanka

A state of emergency was declared after President Rajapaksa gled the country, following months of mass protests. What happens when a country runs out of money and a functioning government?


What is China doing in Putin’s war?

As the Ukrainian war continues to unfold, China finds itself in a distressing situation. On the one hand, its fellow Communist friend, Russia, is begging for aid, on the other, a West armed with biting sanctions is ready to strike China’s economy the moment it sends Russia any support. How is Xi Jin Ping going to manage China’s interest in this sticky situation?

International Relations Matter

What are sanctions (and do they work)?

We see the term “sanctions” everywhere on the news. But what are they? How do they work? Do they even work? And most importantly, how can you argue for and against them?


Binge these videos and get smarter the next debate round

Elevate your score the round after by watching these superior edutainment YouTube videos.

Economy Matter

Nine facts for your next cryptocurrency and digital trading debate

Debating about cryptocurrencies is not that difficult, but you have to know the facts to not get easily beaten by intuitive arguments.

Environment and Health Matter

The search for a viable environmental movement strategy 

How haven’t we united to fight climate change? Well, the environmental movement faces many issues, and hence many open pathways.

Matter Religion

Religion is a social construct – here are six ways it changes

Ordinary people like you and I can change religion. This is because religion needs followers to survive, and these are the ways it adjusts to fulfill that need.